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Varilux Lenses

Varilux Lenses offered at Gulfcoast Eye Center were created using the latest advances in optics and a deep understanding of wearers’ physiology.

Varilux Lens brand image

Varilux S Series is the most sophisticated visual solution available.  At its heart, it offers three major innovations that are protected by 13 patents:

Nanoptix: A revolution in lens technology

The fundamental structure of the lens is re-engineered during lens calculation to ensure you stability in motion.The lens surface is made up of many optical elements, which are then re-engineered to allow light to pass through each optical element, without the unwanted deviation of light that causes swim effect.

The result: for the first time, a lens that not only virtually eliminates swim effect, but also offers never before achieved stability in motion.

SynchronEyes: A revolution in lens design

The lens calculation takes into account the physiological differences between your 2 eyes to deliver you expansive vision. For the first time in progressive design, SynchronEyes Technology uses the Rx from both the left and right eyes to simultaneously calculate the lenses as a pair. This ensures that the design is built around both eyes working together as a visual system.

The result: Better retinal image matching and improved spatial perception, providing more expansive vision from edge to edge than ever before available in a progressive lens.

4D Technology: A revolution in personalization

Everyone has a leading dominant eye – the eye that reaches the object being viewed first when we change gaze direction. Exclusively available with the Visioffice© System, only 4D Technology factors in this unique measurement, revolutionizing the benefits of personalization.

The result: The most sophisticated level of advancement in the Varilux S Series portfolio. Varilux S 4D lenses offer faster visual reaction time, allowing the wearer to experience gaze shifts so quick and automatic, vision is truly reflexive.

Enjoy the benefit of Varilux Lenses.  Make an appointment at Gulfcoast Eye Center today.