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Color My World!

Color My World — Glasses for the “COLORBLIND”



I know what you are thinking, how are these glasses going to help those that are colorblind?

Because any real enhancement of color vision is new, we understand why you are a little skeptical. Most people don’t talk about options for those who have color-deficient.  Color My World is not a cure for color-deficiency, these lenses enhance the way you are able to see colors.

​To truly understand how these lenses work we need to talk about the retina. Think of the retina as a camera. The retina lines the back of our eyes and has photo-receptors that are known as Rods and Cones. When talking about Rods, they are mainly for night vision and allow us to see in black and white. Cones, on the other hand, are located near the center of the retina in an area called the macula.  Cones consist of three types. Red, Green, and Blue. Each cone is sensitive to the corresponding wavelengths (colors of light). A decrease in any of these Cones results in color-deficiency.  

Color-deficiency can manifest in several different ways.  The most common is Red/Green deficiency, this can appear as a mild, moderate, or strong deficiency.  The other pairing is Blue/Yellow, you can have a mild, moderate, or strong deficiency in this pairing as well.  Color My World has had success in assisting with all ranges of color deficiency.

“Colorblindness” is most often an Inherited condition.  Appearing in 8-10% of men and only 1% of women. That is because it is a recessive trait that affects the X chromosome. Since men only have the one X chromosome, if the one they receive is “deficient” they will inherit the “colorblind” trait.

Medical professionals have several tests to detect color-deficiency and are able to diagnose the symptoms easily. The challenging aspect is how to treat those with “colorblindness.” Since those affected are able to see some colors on the spectrum we needed a way to increase the range with outside influences. These developments have been occurring mainly within the last decade.

That’s where Color My World lenses come in! With 5 options to choose from these filtering lenses GREATLY improve color vision for all types of color-deficiency!!!!!

Please contact the office if you have any questions. We have had several patients that are now using these lenses enjoying a whole new spectrum of color!